Roof Lantern Survey

Please complete the survey form below.

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Roof Lantern - survey form

Plan Dimensions:

Measure the width (X1) from fascia to fascia and the length (Y1) from the house wall to the fascia.

See image for guidance.


Height Dimensions:

H1 is the depth of the recess - measure the full depth of the recess including any trim.

H2 is from the floor to the underside of the recess (optional)

See image for guidance.

Additional Dimensions or Info:

Use this final section to provide dimensions of any large cut/boxed out areas that may affect the design.

You can also include dimensions for opening windows, lights or fans but we will also cover this later in the process if it is required.

Photos of your Space:

In order to progress with your enquiry we will need at least 6 photos of your space, 1 or 2 photos of the outside, showing the overall shape & 4-5 photos showing the roof from the inside. The photos should show important items like opening vents, the end of any tie bars or anything else you feel is relevant.

Ideally the photos should be taken during the day and be large enough for us to see the details (1-3MB is a good size for this).

Click the 'Choose Files' button and then drag and drop the images into the box or upload straight from your tablet or mobile device.